Piloting Your Life Crew Chat: Exploration

Terri Hanson Mead
3 min readMar 7, 2020

When we hit a certain age, it can feel like all of our firsts are behind us. Our first kiss, first date, first time having sex, first job, first apartment, first time jumping out of an airplane, first tattoo, writing your first book, recording your first YouTube video…the list goes on and on. You haven’t done some of these? Well, I guess you still have some firsts left. You’ve done all of these? Well, atta girl! And there’s lots more out there!

March’s challenge is #FirstsAfterForty where I offered up some suggestions so that every day you could experiment, explore and discover and maybe do something for the very first time. Obvi, I thought this would be a great thing to talk about during a Crew Chat. (Don’t know what a Crew Chat is? Click here to get more info!)

Once again, grab your friends and a bottle or two of your favorite beverage (with or without alcohol) and find yourself a comfy (preferably private) place to talk about your fears. Or schedule a virtual Crew Chat via videoconference (wearing jammies, no makeup, and a gin and tonic in hand).

You can refer to chapter 10 (Wild Blue Yonder) in Piloting Your Life (the book) for some questions to prompt discussion including:

What have I always wanted to try?

— What can I do now to make it a reality?

— What would I do if I knew I couldn’t fail?

Looking for some other conversation starters?

I’ve never done (insert idea) but have always wanted to try it.

— I remember feeling like (insert feeling) when I experienced (insert what you did) for the first time. I wonder if I tried (insert what you want to do). Would I feel the same way?

What have you done lately to explore new opportunities/feelings/experiences in the world?

Looking for other ideas for your Crew Chats? Check out my Crew Chat Pinterest board.

Want to purchase your own copy of Piloting Your Life? Buying options are available on the Piloting Your Life website or you can go straight to Amazon for the paperback, ebook, or audiobook.

Follow me on Instagram for daily challenges. March 2020 was #FirstsAfterForty.

Looking forward: hmmm…what will it be for April? I am thinking something around rebirth and renewal since I am an Aries and Aries is the first sign in zodiac. April is all about spring and lambs and asparagus and starting something new. I prefer April to begin new things over January.

Have you hosted or attended a Crew Chat? If so, how did it go? If not, what’s holding you back? Let me know in the comments or send me an email at pilotingyourlife@gmail.com.



Terri Hanson Mead
Terri Hanson Mead

Written by Terri Hanson Mead

Tiara wearing, champagne drinking troublemaker, making the world a better place for women. Award winning author of Piloting Your Life.

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