PYL Bookclub: Oct2020: The Pleasure Plan (Discussion Guide)
2 min readNov 5, 2020
The Pleasure Plan is the second Piloting Your Life Book Club book selection. As you are reading the book and/or preparing for a conversation with friends, consider some of the following questions.
New: let’s try chatting about the book on Discord. Here’s a link to join.
Feel free to discuss your thoughts about the book in the Piloting Your Life (the book) Facebook group and/or the Discord channel.
Remember to buy local and support women owned bookstores.
- How did you respond to the therapist telling the author to “Just. Have. Sex.” (p4)?
- How would you react to the author’s statement “I didn’t want sex. I wanted to be sexy.” (p27)? Would your reaction have been different at different points in your life? In your 20s? 30s? 40s?
- Do you talk to your friends about sex? Has this changed over the years?
- Are you comfortable talking to your healthcare provider(s) about sex? Has this changed over the years? If you aren’t comfortable, what holds you back?
- Do you consider yourself a sexual person?
- The author shares what her parents said to her the she has internalized. Like her dad telling her “Don’t want anything.” p82). What kinds of things have you been told by family members, friends, lovers, and others that you consider ‘truths’ when they are in fact limiting beliefs?
- What do you think of the idea of a sex brunch (p91)?
- What did you think of the various therapists and resources the author met with to resolve her issues and heal her trauma?
- Did you do any of the journaling at the end of each chapter? Or answer any of the questions? Was it helpful? Were there some prompts that appealed to you more than others? Were you able to better understand yourself as a result?
- What did you think of the way the author crafted and wrote about her healing journey?